Pirate Bay Alita: Battle Angel Download Torrent

Alita: Battle Angel Pirate Bay




brief=A deactivated cyborg is revived, but cannot remember anything of her past life and goes on a quest to find out who she is


Director=Robert Rodriguez

writed by=Yukito Kishiro, Laeta Kalogridis

User rating=8,1 / 10 Star


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Alita: Battle Angel Download. Alita: Battle Angel Download torrent sites. Alita: battle angel download torrent windows 10. Alita: battle angel download torrent gratis. Alita did what a good movie should always you care about the characters. I was smitten with Alita from the moment she was activated and I grew to care more about her and her relationships with the other characters as the movie progressed. The action sequences were also well done. Unfortunately, there"s not a clear plot here. This movie didn"t know what it wanted to be about, whether it was Alita discovering herself, her budding romance with a human, her passion for MotorBall, her relationship with her "father, or defeating some nameless enemy. If it would have had a stronger plot this movie could have easily been a 9 or 10 for me, which I do not give out easily. Unfortunately, its stuck at a 7, which is still pretty good, but it could have been so much better.

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